Pre-Congress Half Day Afternoon Workshop International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

The strong heart: Combining kindness and assertiveness in important relationships (#20)

Rick Hanson 1
  1. UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center, San Rafael, CA, United States

It’s been said that there are two wolves in the heart – one of love and one of hate – and that everything depends on which one we feed each day. This metaphor echoes the finding from evolutionary neuropsychology that our ancestors survived in large part by caring for and cooperating with “us” while also fearing and aggressing upon “them.”

We see these dynamics in everyday relationships, including in couples, families, schools, and workplaces. It’s relatively straightforward to be firm and assertive with others, or to be compassionate and caring – but it’s an uncommon achievement to integrate the two wolves, to combine strength with heart.  

In this experiential and practical workshop, we’ll explore simple and powerful ways to:

  • Deepen the embodied sense of feeling valued, liked, and loved
  • Develop a more stable experience of calm strength
  • Stay open-hearted with others while remaining centered
  • Assert oneself with both kindness and confidence

While this material can be personally relevant, our focus will be on offering it to others in both clinical and non-clinical settings. There will be time for questions and discussion, and specific real-world applications.