Pre-Congress Half Day Afternoon Workshop International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

Meaning in good times and bad: Where the better living actually happens (#17)

Maria Sirois 1 , Michael Steger 2
  1. Wholebeing Institute, Lenox, MA, United States
  2. Center for Meaning and Purpose, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Meaning isn't something that simply arises or is gifted to us, yet it is one of the most powerful drivers of happiness, resilience and health. It is activated through our conscious processes of reflection and thoughtful experimentation in our daily life. It is affected by how we see ourselves both as independent beings and in the larger world. And it can be enhanced, shifted, made anew at any time - in the times of ease and plenty, and times of upheaval and pain. In this 3-hour workshop we examine the three-dimensional model of meaning and consider how its elements of significance, coherence and purpose have been at play for us in the past and present. We engage in activities that apply the three dimensions to past struggles, and share together insights that arise from this practice. We show how the three dimensions are sustained and relevant even in mundane moments of life. From there we explore how we cultivate a deeper meaning in our ordinary days and why this is vital, especially in a world mad with chaos and in constant change.  Attendees will leave with a model of meaning that is sustaining, practices to apply this model in daily life, a more clear understanding of how to elevate meaning at this moment, and better questions to ask ourselves particularly in bad times:  questions that move us toward a sense of significance, direction and wholeness.