Pre-Congress Half Day Afternoon Workshop International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

How to write (many) journal articles and books (#19)

Roy Baumeister 1
  1. IPPA, Heber City, UT, United States

Early in their career, most people struggle to write for publication. Over time, it becomes easier, and for some of us at least, writing eventually becomes a favorite activity. In any case, quality of writing can make or break a career. This workshop covers a great many strategies, tips, and preventable pitfalls to help the ambitious young researcher become a better writer. These include highly specific advice (e.g., always state the paper’s main point within the first two paragraphs) to general principles (e.g., writing and thinking are separate processes). Reports of new data, literature review/theory articles, and books will be covered. Writing a first book can be daunting but there are ways to make it easier. The presenter has taught scientific writing to many young researchers. He has over 700 publications including 43 books, so along the way he has made and learned from many mistakes that his advice will help you avoid.