Apply Presentation - 30 minutes International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

The Future is Human (#41)

Sue Langley 1
  1. Langley Group Institute, Suffolk Park, NSW, Australia


The world is changing and positive psychology has a part to play.  Drawing on themes from the Global Government Summit in Dubai and the book "Creating the world we want to live in" that are essential for human flourishing, such as healthcare, artificial intelligence, education, climate change and social justice.


This presentation will ask the audience to challenge their thinking of positive psychology and the conference theme of ‘creating a world we want to live in’.


How can we view the world’s opportunities and challenges through a human lens, connecting people, ideas, and science to make a significant change towards a more positive future? What research do we have now, that once consolidated, can lead us to the possibility of something more?

We have so many pieces of the puzzle, that now we need to connect them to make a larger, more positive difference. In this impactful and thought-provoking presentation, Sue Langley will be throwing down the gauntlet for us to join forces, for a more integrated approach to a flourishing world.


Changing the world, using research and practical tools that make a difference.  Citing numerous examples from real life, including a positive story that that world can be changed for the better.


This presentation will provoke big thinking around how we use what we know about the science of human flourishing to come together and do more to change the world for the better. 

  • Please select up to 3 keywords from the following list to best describe your submission content: Complexity, Interdisciplinarity, Sustainability
  • If you indicated that you would like to be considered for an Apply Presentation, please select your presentation sub-category below: Experience it