Mental health issues become prevalent in corporates of South Korea, with the 2nd-longest working hours and the highest suicide rate in the OECD. To mitigate the mental conflict situation, we have been developing a subscription mental fitness program, for corporate employees. It sends subscribers 2 emails a week. One is an online mental well-being check-up questionnaire based on the PERMA model + vitality. The other one delivers the check-up result and a positive psychology intervention for the week. We assumed the Question-Behavior Effect that checking their wellbeing status every week could facilitate their behaviors for well-beings. So we conducted two pilot programs and analyzed their responses and feedback.
Change employees’ experience positively by improving their mental health with regular mental well-being check-ups and micro positive psychology interventions at workplace
We recruited 35 office workers from various industries and sent two emails a week for 5 weeks. Every Friday, the participants checked their satisfaction level of the week by PERMA-V questionnaire. Then, on the next Monday, they received individual and group scores and the positive intervention of the week. (e.g., 3GT, Random of kindness, etc.). And the second pilot was 4 weeks emailing for 21 office workers in the same organization.
No significant difference was found between check-up scores of beginning and end. Nevertheless, 4 participants and the HR manager who were interviewed after pilots mentioned that it was a positive experience at the workplace and showed positive intentions for a subscription of a mental fitness program.
Just asking about well-being was not enough to facilitate their behaviors for a positive psychology intervention. One interviewee mentioned he once tried the intervention in the email, as it seemed to increase his lowest element of PERMA-V. The third pilot in preparation will provide a personalized intervention on the Monday email and a Metaverse mental fitness center to facilitate their behaviors.