Individual Presentation within an Invited Symposium International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

MBSP is a value-add when embedded within a graduate program: Observations and early results (#113)

Peter Malinowski 1
  1. Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, LIVERPOOL, United Kingdom

Four years ago, Liverpool John Moores University (UK) established its new Masters course in Positive Psychology and Wellbeing. Mindfulness meditation practices and character strengths work were implemented as the experiential backbone of the course, combined in a 13-week version of the structured mindfulness-based strengths practice (MBSP) programme. Students on the course not only participate in the MBSP programme, but also learn about its conceptual and empirical underpinnings, practice guiding MBSP exercises and engage in deep levels of personal and professional reflective practice. In this presentation I will outline the structure of this adapted MBSP programme, offer insights from developing and implementing it within the context of a Masters course, and share results from a student experience survey. The vast majority of students report that their overall wellbeing improved, their ability to manage stress and problems increased, that they have a better sense of who they are and – amongst other observations – that they feel their engagement with MBSP positively impacted the quality of their relationships. These results align with my own observations of positive effects of MBSP on university studies, wellbeing, private live as well as career perspective. MBSP can work exceptionally well when integrated into a taught postgraduate course where it brings significant intra- and interpersonal benefits to students and can boost their career development.

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