Apply Presentation - 30 minutes International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

Exploring and experiencing the Job Canvas - an agile, strengths-based, person-centred alternative to a traditional job description  (#187)

Rob Baker 1
  1. Tailored Thinking, Durham, DURHAM, United Kingdom

This 30 minute practice-focused presentation will give participants direct experience of exploring a new evidence-based digital tool called the Job Canvas to promote thriving within workplaces.  


Traditional job descriptions do not meet the current and future needs of work - they box people in rather than setting them free [1]. The Job Canvas [2] is an agile, strengths-based, person-centred alternative to a traditional job description (think JD 3.0). The Job Canvas helps individuals and teams work with confidence and clarity and get the best out of themselves, their people and their work by mapping out their job using 9 core elements [3].

The digital Job Canvas tool allows people to capture precisely what their role entails, the value that they add to others, the strengths they bring to their jobs and the resources and support they need to work at their best.


This 'experiential' and practical session will give participants access to the Job Canvas digital tool which they can interactively explore and use during the session in a number of individual and group activities. 


The session will introduce the existing and growing evidence-base for using the Job Canvas and then provide an opportunity for participants to directly use and explore the Job Canvas. 


The results of the session are that participants will have:

1) Understood the evidence-base behind the the Job Canvas

2) Directly explored the Job Canvas itself through interactive activities

3) Discussed and identified how the Job Canvas might be used to support existing and future practice within positive organisational scholarship 


At the conclusion of the session, participants will have gained directly knowledge of a new and cutting-edge workplace tool and an experiential understanding of how they could use this tool within their own practice. 

  1. [1] Switasarra, A.V. and Astanti, R.D., 2021. Literature Review of Job Description: Meta-analysis. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 3(1), pp.33-41.
  2. [2] Baker, R., 2020. Personalization at work: How HR can use job crafting to drive performance, engagement and wellbeing. Kogan Page Publishers.
  3. [3]
  • Please select up to 3 keywords from the following list to best describe your submission content: Career and Work, Coaching, Strengths
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