Podium Presentation - 20 minutes International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

Meaning and Purpose in life from a transdisciplinary perspective; A third wave approach to positive psychology coaching (#197)

Omid Alaei 1
  1. Buckinghamshire New University, Thornhill, ONTARIO, Canada


 Since Robert Biswas-Diener and Ben Dean introduced the term “Positive Psychology Coaching (PPC)” for the first time (2007), scholars have offered different definitions and approaches to PPC.

However,  a commonly agreed definition of PPC was only introduced by van Zyl LE & Stander in 2020 after reviewing 2,252 articles on the subject (2020):  ‘identifying, utilizing, and optimizing personal/ psychological strengths to achieve goals and enhance the individual’s well-being.’

Recently scholars cited the rising of the third wave of positive psychology as a new domain of inter / transdisciplinary studies (Lomas et al., 2021). Lomas et al. described complexity and going beyond the individuals as the main characteristics of the third wave. The new approach looks more deeply at groups and systems in which individuals are embedded.



 As a sub-group of PPC, the first revision of Meaning-based coaching (MBC) deployed the same approach to finding meaning and purpose in life through compiled models and tools. The updated MBC model proposes a multidimensional multileveled approach to meaning and purpose in life. The model involves an inter/trans-disciplinary study and greater complexity which is beyond the individual person as the primary focus of enquiry.


 MBC expands the individual model of meaning/ purpose introduced by  Martel and Steger (Martela & Steger, 2016) through the Lomas multidimensional meta-theoretical LIFE (Layered Integrated Framework Example) (Lomas, 2015). Considering the dynamic characteristics of the central ontological dimensions of the person (mind, body, culture and society), MBC argues about the formation and the variability of the meaning and purpose in life during the life spans and socio-cultural changes.


 Expanding MBC to a multidimensional and multileveled model of coaching.


 A coaching model is based on the ‘person in context’ approach, i.e. people are differently affected by context and are differently responsive to interventions.

The workshop aims to introduce a transdisciplinary inquiry into meaning and purpose in life based on positive psychology theories and interventions.

  • Please select up to 3 keywords from the following list to best describe your submission content: Coaching, Complexity, Meaning and Purpose
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