Offered Alternative - Poster Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

Supporting community wellbeing through simple life hacks. (#880)

Kathy Snyder 1
  1. Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition, Midland, MI, United States

Background One of the biggest barriers people report when it comes to caring for their wellbeing is a lack of time.


Aims In this Life Hack series, you will learn or be reminded of simple playful Life Hacks that may have a big positive impact on wellbeing. Caring for wellbeing doesn’t need to be time consuming!


Method Members of the Midland Area Wellbeing Life Hack team make short evidence-based and evidence-informed videos teaching a simple life hack. Videos are 1:30-3:00 minutes in length. A resource folder is also included with tools for presentations, discussions, office posting, and resources for further learning. 


Results Approximately 600 people in the Midland community and receive the Life Hack video each week and 270 of those also have elected to receive the free folder of materials. Some of those people share the hacks in their workplaces increasing the reach. 


Conclusion This is a simple way to support the wellbeing of individuals in our community. Our goal is to add useful wellbeing tools to people's toolboxes and by the end of 2022, we will have added 52 tools! Feedback is overwhelmingly positive, from teachers sharing with students to leaders sharing with their teams to retired citizens learning a useful skill each week. 


  1. (each life hack has it's own set of references in each folder)
  • Please select up to 3 keywords from the following list to best describe your submission content: Self-Care