Offered Alternative - Poster Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

Strengths Theory: Contextually Adaptive Traits and Skills (#842)

Rhea L Owens 1
  1. University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth, MN, United States

This talk will introduce the Strengths Theory, a comprehensive theory that integrates the research to date on strengths. This theory involves two core assumptions and seven theoretical propositions based on existing strengths research. The two core assumptions provide the foundation for the theory, which include that everyone has strengths and it is helpful to focus on strengths across diverse populations. The theoretical propositions of the theory include: (a) strengths in context matter; (b) strengths are malleable; (c) one must know one’s strengths, use one’s strengths, and (best yet) develop one’s strengths to fully benefit from their strengths; (d) all strengths are potentially helpful; (e) there is a “strengths sweet spot;” (f) internal factors influence strengths; and (g) external factors influence strengths. Each element of the theory will be described and supporting evidence from the existing literature base will be highlighted. In addition, future research recommendations based on the theory and gaps in the literature will be provided.


  • Please select up to 3 keywords from the following list to best describe your submission content: Life span development, Strengths