Apply Presentation - 30 minutes International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

Positive Psychology for Women: Why It's Different and What We Need (AKA - The Eve Impact) (#277)

Carin Rockind 1
  1. Institute of WOMAN, Narberth, PA, United States

Since its inception, most positive psychology applications have been created for men and women alike. However, there are fundamental differences in well-being between men and women (and non-binary people) that require specific interventions. Research has well documented that women are twice as likely to be depressed as men, and that women's happiness has declined. There are biological, psychological and social factors that contribute to this: Women feel social rejection more than men, women ruminate more than men, engage in comparison and perfectionism more than men, and women bottle up anger more than men, turning it on themselves as self-blame and shame, which impacts women's success. Plus, women earn less, give up careers more, and yet still do the majority of the household and childcare duties, creating massive burn out and exhaustion. Similarly, women have much higher experience of trauma, with miscarriages and fertility issues, higher occurrences (and fears) of rape and domestic violence, birthing trauma, and attacks on women's rights worldwide. Plus, most women feel body shame, creating more self-loathing. However, positive psychology suggests blanket applications. Women birth every human alive, and yet, and in many cultures, "weakness" is associated with woman. And given social contagion, "if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy". Therefore, a positive psychology for women is required. One that addresses body love, positive sexuality, healthy expression of anger, transmutation of grief, boundary setting, self compassion, care and love, embodiment of female courage, identification of women's inherent power, and resilience to societal pressures. And we need to do it in community with other women. In this presentation, I will outline why women need a positive psychology for us, and share proven applications that address women's specific needs and shift women's well being. Eve was blamed for the fall of humanity and women have absorbed the shame, but as we birth every human alive, positive psychology can right this, and ensure our mothers and our daughters flourish. 

  • Please select up to 3 keywords from the following list to best describe your submission content: Diversity and Inclusion, Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth, Self-Care
  • If you indicated that you would like to be considered for an Apply Presentation, please select your presentation sub-category below: Intensive program analysis and description