Invited Speaker Individual Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

The Dynamics of Well-Being in Daily Life: A Multilevel Perspective (#195)

David Newman 1
  1. UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States

In this talk, I summarize some key aspects of my research program which have been driven by questions about human flourishing. What are the primary factors that provide people with meaning and purpose? What defines a life worth living? How can people live the good life? As a positive psychologist, I try to examine these types of questions with the goal of improving the quality of people’s lives. Specifically, I focus on studying people’s well-being in daily life. To understand people’s well-being, it is critical to consider the methods that psychologists use to assess well-being. Different methods can sometimes yield different conclusions about what leads to a happy and meaningful life. For example, is nostalgia beneficial for your well-being? The answer depends on the type of nostalgic experience brought to mind. When asked to reflect on their most nostalgic experience, people believe their lives seem more meaningful and they feel more optimistic about the future. In daily life, in contrast, people often feel nostalgic when negative events occur, and they do not feel particularly happy during those moments. Similarly, is life pretty meaningful? It depends on whether you reflect on your life generally or on your day-to-day life. A general life reflection allows people to bring to mind the peak experiences that imbue life with meaning, whereas much of daily life is routine, mundane, and less meaningful. My research has explored the nature of well-being in a variety of contexts and situations and has revealed some novel insights through the use of daily diary and Ecological Momentary Assessment techniques. This framework has the potential to yield many promising advancements in the field of well-being research in the future.

  • Please select up to 3 keywords from the following list to best describe your submission content: Meaning and Purpose, Positive emotions