Charles Martin-Krumm International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

Charles Martin-Krumm

Charles Martin-Krumm is a Full Professor at the Paris School of Practical Psychology of the Paris Catholic Institute. He leads the Vulnerability, Capability, and Recovery research team. He has written 13 books. He has published about 100 articles and chapters, notably on hope, optimism, flow, motivation, resilience, mindfulness, quality of life, health, or strengths in the fields of schools, physical activity, health or work psychology. Taken as a whole, his work focuses on education in these different types of environments. His work has been published in leading journals and some articles have been highly cited. He has given more than 100 scientific lectures, has been invited to give conferences and has organized symposia around the world. He is President-Elect of the French and Francophone Association of Positive Psychology. He received the Fellow Award from the IPPA for his contribution to this field and the Gold Medal from the French Ministry of Sports. He is associate editor of the European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation and PloSone, guest editor of Frontiers in Education and expert in several international scientific journals.

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