Cynthia A Sholes International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

Cynthia A Sholes

A neuroscientist turned positive transformation coach, Dr. Cindy Sholes helps caring people, who feel so burnt-out they just want to quit, reconnect with their deepest selves to find authentic power and purpose. Dr. Cindy got her PhD in Neuroscience from UCSF in 1996. After having two babies, she made a pivot in her research career path to pursue her life’s purpose. She became a medical hypnotherapist and a life coach applying neuroscience concepts and understanding to solve her clients problems. In 2021,she was featured in Wall Street Journal for her 20 years of helping thousands with neuro-emotional behavior modification to live better lives. As the Innovator and co-founder of rREST Inc., she teaches other coaches and therapists how to tap into their clients subconscious mind and quickly and effectively change the self-sabotaging patterns that keep them stuck, freeing them up to realize their true human potential.

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