Robin Johnson International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

Robin Johnson

Robin helps individuals learn and apply principles of well-being so they can thrive in the face of adversity, and helps organizations create workplaces that are both humane and productive. She earned a Master of Applied Positive Psychology degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and helped create the “Developing Civility and Communication” program for the City of Midland, MI. Robin has an MBA with an emphasis Organizational Behavior which she received at Brigham Young University. Being hailed a “renaissance woman,” Robin has worked with SAFEChecks, a company specializing in fraud prevention, since 2005. She is the primary editor of Frank Abagnale's The Fraud Bulletin which is used by the FBI, Federal Reserve, other government agencies, and corporations throughout the United States. She is also a Suzuki violin teacher and is Co-Director of the Suzuki Music Program of Los Angeles. To quote the esteemed cellist Pablo Casals, "Perhaps it is music that will save the world...." Along with Positive Psychology and the science of well-being!

Abstracts this author is presenting: