Invited Pre-Congress Workshop International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

Bio-Dash: Harmonizing mind and body using evidence-based wellbeing strategies, personalised biodata and technology-enhanced training. (#13)

Dianne Vella-Brodrick 1 , Anneliese Gill 1 , Kent Patrick 1
  1. Centre of Wellbeing Science, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Workshop particpants will be introduced to Bio-Dash – a program that provides a practical and science-based approach to managing personal wellbeing, anxiety and performance. Bio-Dash will equip individuals with a wellbeing toolkit that can be applied to every day situations to enhance wellbeing and minimise distress. This program is unique in that it seeks to make learning about wellbeing personalised, engaging and tangible by illustrating the mind-body connection using technology-enabled features and best practice pedagogy.

Participants will be invited to try a range of wellbeing strategies that focus on smart breathing, zoning in, imagery, maxing the good stuff, emotion regulation and self-coaching.  Individuals will have the opportunity to experience a variety of challenges on which to apply the different wellbeing strategies and then to literally see via biofeedback, how their body is responding using these varied strategies. For example individuals will receive personalised data on physiological processes such as respiration and skin temperature, in response to the wellbeing strategies.  The biofeedback tools are portable and non-invasive and include engaging virtual challenges to help promote wellbeing practice and training.  Over time, this biodata will enable individuals to make informed decisions about which strategies work best for them and to develop a wellbeing plan in accordance with these insights.

We aspire to empower individuals, groups and workplaces to self-manage their everyday stress and wellbeing, through education and personal feedback, using the latest scientific advances and tools.  Bio-Dash has been designed to build personal capacity and confidence.  This practical workshop seeks to demonstrate that wellbeing is a skill that can be learnt and that can improve wellbeing both at the subjective and physiological level.   This fun and experiential workshop is relevant for anyone wanting to ‘see’ and ‘feel’ wellbeing using the latest science and innovations, whether it be for anxiety reduction, improved wellbeing or performance optimization.

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