Invited Pre-Congress Workshop International Positive Psychology Association 8th IPPA World Congress 2023

New Developments in Positive Psychology Coaching (#14)

Suzy Green 1 , Robert Biswas Diener 2 , Christian van Nieuwerburgh 3 , Ilona Boniwell 4
  1. The Positivity Institute, Double Bay, NSW, Australia
  2. Positive Acorn, Noba
  3. Centre for Positive Psychology and Health, Dublin, Ireland
  4. University of East London, London, United Kingdom

This pre-conference workshop brings together four of the pioneers of positive psychology coaching (PPC) to present the lates research and tools for practice. The session will open with Dr. Suzy Green, who will make the case that PPC is inextricably linked to science. Because science is a dynamic system of knowledge, PPC theories and practices change as new research results emerge. Suzy will lead discussions about scientific literacy, the methods for keeping appraised of new developments in science, and ways to let science guide practice. Next, Dr. Christian van Nieuwerburgh will present on one of the outcomes that differentiates PPC from other forms of coaching: wellbeing. He will make the case that PPC uses an explicit focus on wellbeing as one lens through which to explore client processes and goals. He will focus, especially, on “balance” and “alignment” as two coaching-relevant aspects of PPC. Here, participants will have the opportunity to practice coaching with a wellbeing focus. Next, Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener will narrow the focus onto a single topic of positive psychology research than can powerfully influence coaching: emotions. He will present two distinct frameworks for understanding client emotional experiences, exploring the consequences of emotion, and enhancing the partnership between coach and client. This session will conclude with Dr. Ilona Boniwell, who will present on specific positive psychology-informed tools that can be used within the coaching context. Specifically, she will use the themes of “play” and “gamification” to illustrate how tools can be used to create a more positive client experience in PPC. Participants will also have the opportunity to interact with the presenters and ask questions.

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